Posted by & filed under SPC Board & AGM.

Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC), along with the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), have undergone a significant risk assessment and have identified it best to cancel all in-person SPC and CPA partnered events until May 31, 2020.  The promotion and protection of health is our number one priority.

What this means for SPC Members-
Summary of Key Decisions

• SPC In-person Annual Members Meeting (April 30, 2020) will be cancelled.  The SPC National Executive Committee, along with CPA, will be exploring on-line/webinar style options to deliver pertinent information and best serve our members.

• SPC Mentor Meeting (April 30, 2020) will be cancelled.  Here too, the SPC National Executive Committee will be exploring on-line/webinar style options to deliver pertinent information and updates to our Mentors.

• SPC Credential Exams (May 2-4, 2020) will be rescheduled.  The SPC Executive Committee and the Chief Examiner will be exploring alternative date options for the 2020 Oral/Practical exam.  Further information regarding exam fees, dates etc will be communicated directly to candidates in a subsequent email. 

• In-person Courses will be rescheduled.  CPA and SPC will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and will be seeking alternate dates for all in-person courses that were scheduled prior to May 31, 2020.

• CPA has asked that divisions suspend all non-essential digital communication and initiatives with members until March 31, 2020.  This relates specifically to SPC National & Provincial section E-Blasts, Momentum “magazine” and Webinars with the intention of freeing up the lines of communication for information regarding COVID-19. This policy will be revisited at the end of March 2020.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this difficult time.

Take good care,
Kim Lee-Knight
Chair SPC