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Thank you for considering a Volunteer role at the 3rd World Congress of Sport Physical Therapy.

The SPC 2019 Volunteer Manual will be posted shortly. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at

If you wish to volunteer with SPC 2019, please fill out the form below before September 14, 2019. Please note, there are no guarantees to receiving the volunteer shift you apply for. We will do our best to accommodate all offers of volunteering! And finally, the shift schedule times are not yet exact, but expect that they will be either a morning/early afternoon or afternoon/early evening shift.

1. Have you already registered for World Congress?
2. Please check off your availability as a Volunteer. Select as many as you are available for. Please read the NOTE above at the top of the page. *
3. If selected as a Volunteer for the above shift(s), would you like to be registered for the remainder of that day’s programming?
4. Are you available to attend the Volunteer Orientation on Wednesday October 2nd at 4pm?

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Course Objectives:

  1. To understand and apply the outcomes from the 5th International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport.
  2. To apply multifaceted evidence informed principles in the diagnosis and management of concussion.
  3. To recognize concussion signs and symptoms that indicate referral to another rehabilitation specialist and be able to communicate the referral.
  4. To apply evidence-based concussion tools to healthcare practitioners to improve the clinical management of sport-related concussion.
  5. To understand and apply evidence based active management principles to optimize time to recovery and return-to-play following concussion. 6. To understand and apply multidisciplinary management principles and encourage interprofessional collaboration for individuals with persistent symptoms following concussion.

For a detailed outline of the days events, please click HERE.

Speakers Biographies

Dr. Kathryn Schneider, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Clinician Scientist (Physiotherapist) at the Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre, Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on the prevention, detection and treatment of sport-related concussion. Her work has identified a large treatment effect using multimodal physiotherapy and vestibular rehabilitation. She is a Clinical Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists and has expertise and certification in vestibular rehabilitation. She was recognized by Avenue Magazine as “Top 40 Under 40” in 2012 and was the recipient of the Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA) Champion of Vestibular Medicine Award in 2015. Invited speaking highlights include the 4th and 5th International Consensus Conferences on Concussion in Sport, International Olympic Committee (IOC) medical meetings at the Sochi, Rio and PyeongChang Olympic games, and many additional International and National sport meetings. Her clinical practice focuses on the treatment of recreational to elite/professional athletes with ongoing symptoms following sport-related concussion. 

Dr. Noah Silverberg, PhD, is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of British Columbia and Principal Investigator at the Rehabilitation Research Program, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute. He leads an interdisciplinary research program dedicated to improving outcomes from concussion and traumatic brain injury, with a focus on understanding psychosocial factors that influence recovery and evaluating psychological treatments. Dr. Silverberg is also a board-certified neuropsychologist who has cared for patients with concussion and traumatic brain injury in civilian, sport, and military settings over the past 12 years. He serves as Chair of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Task Force on Mild TBI.

Dr. Christina L. Master, MD: Dr. Master is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Associate Program Director of the Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship at CHOP with over two decades of experience in clinical pediatrics. Dr. Master is board-certified in pediatrics and brain injury medicine with additional qualification in sports medicine and is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. She treats over a thousand youth with concussion annually in her outpatient practice. She is co-founding director of Minds Matter, the concussion program for children at CHOP that provides clinical care, community outreach and conducts research in youth concussion. Her particular research emphasis has been in furthering our understanding of visual deficits following concussion as a target for intervention for those with prolonged symptoms in addition to identifying objective physiologic biomarkers for concussion.

Dr. Catherine Wiseman-Hakes, Ph.D., is a clinical neuroscientist and registered speech language pathologist. She is a clinician-researcher with the Hull Ellis Concussion and Research Clinic at UHN-Toronto Rehab Institute and Assistant professor (adjunct) in the School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University in Hamilton. Catherine has devoted her clinical and research career toward a better understanding of the factors which impact recovery from acquired and traumatic brain injury (TBI) as well as developing interventions to support positive outcomes and quality of life. She has been internationally recognized for her pioneering work in examining the relationship between sleep, neuroplasticity and neuro-recovery following TBI. She has authored and co-authored numerous research publications, provincial and international practice guidelines, a textbook, a book chapter on pediatric brain injury, and contributed to a rehabilitation manual. She is also the recipient of awards for her teaching excellence and outstanding mentorship.    

Dr. John J. Leddy, MD, is Professor of Clinical Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and of the American College of Physicians, and Director of Outcomes Research for the Department of Orthopaedics. He is a Division 1 team physician and Medical Director of the University at Buffalo Concussion Management Clinic. He is a Member of the Expert Panel for the Berlin Fifth International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport and a consultant to the NIH on sport concussion research. In conjunction with Dr. Barry Willer, he developed the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test, which is the first functional physiological test used to establish recovery from concussion and to develop exercise programs for the rehabilitation of patients with concussion and prolonged concussion symptoms.

Dr. Jim Bovard, MD, attended the University of British Columbia and received his doctorate in medicine in 1984. Following graduation, Dr. Bovard began a family practice in North Vancouver, BC in 1988. He received his Diploma in Sport Medicine in 1999 and added a sport medicine consultation service to his practice. He was the Venue Medical Officer for figure skating at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Vancouver. He was Medical Lead for High Performance for Canada Snowboard from 2011-2017 including the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Currently he is the Head Team Physician for the Vancouver Whitecaps and Co-Head Team Physician for the Vancouver Canucks. He continues to be a medical consultant to Canada Snowboard, Tennis Canada, Skate Canada.

Rosalind (Roz) Groenewoud is a two-time Olympian in Ski Halfpipe. She was one of the veterans in her sport and competed internationally for thirteen years. Her results include seven X Games medals, including two Gold; FIS World Champion; three-time AFP World Champion; and many medals from World Cups and most major Ski Halfpipe competitions. She juggled pursuing an education along with a full-time ski career, receiving a Bachelor in Arts & Science from Quest University Canada in 2016.  She is an Athlete Ambassador for Right to Play, has created lobbying initiatives for equality for female freeskiers, and in 2018 was elected to the Canadian Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission (AC), where she is a leader on Safe Sport initiatives. Rosalind retired from sport in 2018 and, this fall, began medical school at UBC, class of 2023. 

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Overall Objectives for the course

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Describe the injury profiles and unique needs for injury prevention in youth and masters athletes
  • Understand the value of both proactive and reactive approaches for injury management and prevention of disability in elite and recreational athletes of all ages
  • Explain how preventing sport-related injuries and their re-occurrence by developing robust and resilient youth and masters athletes ensures lifelong mobility, performance, and health
  • 7:30-8:00am Participants arrive (Breakfast not included)
  • 8:00-8:15am Introduction/overview of courseAllison Ezzat
  • 8:15-9:45am In the contradiction lies the hope: Mitigating the consequences of youth sport-related injuries Dr. Jackie Whittaker
  • 9:45-10:00am Break (coffee included)
  • 10:00-11:30pm The Process of Development Sport Training: Overview and Practical ConsiderationsJeff Osadec
  • 11:30-12:30pm Lunch Break (Lunch not included)
  • 12:30-2:00pm Understanding and managing injuries in masters athletesLaura Lundquist
  • 2:00-2:15pm Break (coffee included)
  • 2:15-3:45pm The old that is strong does not wither: J.R.R. Tolkein and the robust masters athleteDr. Scotty Butcher
  • 3:45-4:00pm Break (coffee included)
  • 4:00-5:00pm Panel discussionlinking up across topics, some prepared questions, common themes across speakers – All Speakers
  • 5:00-5:15pm Wrap upAllison Ezzat



TITLE: In the contradiction lies the hope: Mitigating the consequences of youth sport- related injuries

Objectives: At the end of this session attendees will be able to explain the contradiction that is youth sport – health benefits, injury risk and consequence of youth sport-related sport injuries; and describe an evidence-based pragmatic approach to preventing youth sport-related joint injuries and the long-term consequences of these injuries

Dr. Jackie Whittaker is an Assistant Professor, physiotherapist and clinician-scientist in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada).
She is recognized as a Clinical Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, is an Adjunct Professor at the International Olympic Committee funded Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre at the University of Calgary (Canada), and an Associate Member of the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis. Her research focuses on prevention of youth sport injuries and their consequences, particularly physical inactivity and post-traumatic
osteoarthritis. Jackie’s research is guided by 21 years of clinical practice, which allows her to move freely along the knowledge generation-translation continuum.


TITLE: Understanding and managing injuries in masters athletes
Objectives: At the end of this session attendees will be able to
Understand the impact of aging on injury incidence in masters athletes
Consider appropriate treatment program adaptations when dealing with injury in masters athletes

Laura’s passion is helping people return to or maintain function despite an injury or illness. Her experience in sport physiotherapy and private practice orthopedics has given her a unique perspective and ability to help people achieve these goals. She has a particular interest in helping people maintain a healthy level of physical activity despite normal age-related changes. Since graduating from McMaster University in 2003 with her MScPT, she has completed further post-graduate training in sport and orthopedic physiotherapy; she holds her Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy and her Advanced Diploma in Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy. In 2018, she opened Zoomers Physiotherapy and Health Solutions in Halifax, NS; it is a multi-disciplinary clinic that focuses on providing health and fitness services for adults aged 50+ that promote healthy and active aging.


TITLE: The old that is strong does not wither: J.R.R. Tolkein and the robust masters Athlete
Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Outline common concerns and priorities for developing physical capacity in Masters athletes;
  2. Describe the modifications typically needed in strength and conditioning program design for the Masters athlete
    Told by the dwarf, Gimli, son of Gloin, this talk will outline the tale of the Wise King Aragorn in his quest to achieve physical greatness and reclaim his place amongst the elite Kings of old. Gimli will outline the special feats and tasks Aragorn was made to endure. Specifially, Gimli will outline the various modifications to Aragorn’s training that
    were required due to his advancing age and his diminishing mobility and capacity for work.

Dr. Scotty Butcher is an Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Saskatchewan, co-founder of Strength Rebels, and The Strength Jedi on social media. He holds a BSc(PT) and MSc Kin from the University of Saskatchewan and a PhD in Exercise Physiology and Experimental Medicine from the University of Alberta. He is certified as a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-RCEP), is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer (CF-L1), and is formerly certified as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS); the latter of which he has formally relinquished.
Scotty teaches exercise physiology, prescription, and rehabilitation to physical therapy students and has published several peer reviewed articles and two book chapters related to exercise testing and prescription. Currently training as a powerlifter, he has a passion for strength training and translates this to promoting quality exercise training and rehabilitation practices for clinicians and students. His focus in research, teaching, and clinical work is on the hybrid rehabilitation/strength training approach and shares his views through blogging and vlogging.


TITLE: The Process of Development Sport Training: Overview and Practical

• Share collective experiences from years in sport science in working with
development athletes
• Addressing health and monitoring of the athlete
• Overview of CSI Calgary athletic development approach
• Considerations for the daily training environment


Jeff Osadec, MKin CEP CSCS, has coached for the past 10 years working with athletes both young and national level. Jeff holds degrees in General Studies (’00) and Education (’02) from Brandon University, Exercise and Sport Science (’05) from the University of Manitoba and a Masters in Kinesiology (’09) from the University of Calgary.
Jeff joined the Canadian Sport Institute full time in the fall of 2011 as a strength coach and physiologist. Jeff is certified as a physiologist from Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and as a strength and conditioning coach through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

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Ontario passed concussion safety legislation today to protect amateur athletes and make sport safer on the field and at school! Rowan’s Law makes Ontario a national leader in concussion management and prevention!

News Release

Ontario Passes Ground-Breaking Legislation to Protect Amateur Athletes

Province Becomes a National Leader in Concussion Management and Prevention

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Ontario passed ground-breaking concussion safety legislation today to protect amateur athletes and make sport safer on the field and at school.

Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2017 makes Ontario a national leader in concussion management and prevention by establishing mandatory requirements that call for:

  • Annual review of concussion awareness resources that prevents, identifies and manages concussions that coaches and educators would be required to review before registering in a sport
  • Removal-from-sport and return-to-sport protocols, to ensure that an athlete is immediately removed from sport if they are suspected of having sustained a concussion, giving them the time needed to heal properly
  • A concussion code of conduct that would set out rules of behaviour to minimize concussions while playing sport.

In honour of Rowan Stringer, the 17-year-old rugby player whose death resulted from sustaining multiple concussions, the proposed legislation also establishes the last Wednesday in September as “Rowan’s Law Day”.

Ontario is the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass concussion safety legislation, setting a precedent for sport legislation across the country. The province worked closely with key medical experts, researchers and sport leaders — most notably the members of the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee — in establishing this first-of-its-kind legislation.

Making amateur sport safer is part of Ontario’s plan to create fairness and opportunity during this period of rapid economic change. The plan includes a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, easier access to affordable child care, and free prescription drugs for everyone under 25 through the biggest expansion of medicare in a generation.

Quick Facts

  • The legislation is part of the government’s response to the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee report for the prevention and management of concussions in amateur sport released in September 2017. Chaired by Dr. Dan Cass, the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee was established to review the coroner’s inquest recommendations made following the death of Rowan Stringer.
  • In Ontario, 22 per cent of students reported being knocked out or admitted to hospital due to a head injury in their lifetime. In Canada, among children and youth who visit an emergency department for a sports-related head injury, 39 per cent were diagnosed with concussions, while a further 24 per cent were possible concussions.
  • Ontario’s current work to increase awareness about concussions includes a web portal with information and resources on concussions, and a Sport Recognition Policy that requires all recognized provincial and multi-sport organizations to have policies on concussion management and return-to-play.
  • In 2014, the Ministry of Education issued a policy/program memorandum requiring all school boards to develop and maintain a policy on concussions.

Additional Resources

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In recognition of Dr. David Magee’s contribution to the development and leadership of  Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC), a Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, the “David Magee Sports Physiotherapy Scholarship” was established in the fall of 1979 and first awarded in 1980 at the SPC AGM. In 1988, at the Annual Council Meeting, the name of the award was changed to the “Sport Physiotherapy Canada David Magee Award”.

Criteria for Selection:

All nominees/applicants must be members in good standing of SPC and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

There are three categories of this award:

1. Outstanding Contribution to Sport Physiotherapy Canada:
a) Nominee/applicant has served on the executive of SPC at either the National/Provincial or Unit level. Or
b) Nominee has contributed to activities of SPC either nationally or provincially/Unit for a minimum of 2 years. For example, organizing courses, symposium, and sports coverage.
c) Nominations will be accepted by colleagues/SPC members (nominators do not have to be SPC members).
A letter citing the reasons for nomination must accompany the Dave Magee Nomination form.
d) Selection will be based on length of service, quality of service.

2. Award to help with expenses of Certificate/Diploma examinations:
a) Nominee/applicant has contributed to SPC National/provincial/unit via an executive position, event organization, mentorship program, etc.
b) Nominee/applicant is registered or going to register for the Certificate or Diploma exams within 2 years of the Dave Magee Award nomination/application.
c) The Dave Magee Award application can be completed by the exam candidate or can be submitted on their behalf by colleagues, other SPC members.

3. Successful completion of Certificate or Diploma Exam Process with Distinction:
a) Candidates who complete the Certificate or Diploma Exam Process with Distinction in the written and/or practical portion will receive a Dave Magee Award.

b) In the event of more than one Distinction being achieved the Award will be shared by those successful.
In the event that nominations are received in only one or two of the categories the selection Committee has the right to award more than one award in another category so that 3 Awards are presented each year, should there be a suitable applicant.

Deadline for Application: March 30, 2020 by Midnight 

DOWNLOAD: Dave Magee Application Form 2020

Process: Completed Application/Nomination form plus letter(s) of recommendation/nomination describing the contributions made by the applicant.

Presentation: The awards will be announced and presented at the SPC AGM.

Note: No application/nomination needed for the Exam Distinction Award (this will be submitted by the Chief Examiner.)